Inside A Coffee House, Tunis by José Benlliure y Gil (Spanish, 1855–1937)

Politics of Monism

First there is the initial condition. The initial condition sets the stage for what is. Nothing can be changed, be set apart from the initial condition, or change the future apart from what already is.

What, then, we need to come to terms with is that the initial condition has created all the beauty and all the troubles in the world. This view is beyond discussions about liberalism or communism as these point of views are unavoidable products of the inital condition. So are all other ideologies that have ever been.

From the grounds of the above mentioned; we are all in the same boat.

There is no such thing then as being guilty. That is the first position we need to address. As, what could be argued, the first position of politics is the safety of the individual and of the peoples; how do we address the issue of crime if no one ever is guilty? For how could they be? What are they guilty of? Being borne? Guilty of existing?

So what we need to do is address the initial condition. What if, we could change the initial condition. Not our initial condition, but the initial condition for the universe that in one eon is to be created.

Hand coded with Acme on Plan9. Last updated 2022-09-24